How To Use Jing to Create Screen Captures

The image above is a portion of my desktop wallpaper.  I was able to save the image using Jing, another image capturing device available on the web.

how to use Jing to get screenshots
For today's tutorial, I explored Jing as an option to capture screen images or record a video. Though,  taking a screenshot is not new to many because even a computer keyboard can do that (by pressing 'Alt' and 'Printscreen'  and then pasting the image on the clipboard). In addition, Corel Capture (for Coreldraw users) also comes in handy. However, Jing offers something new. It could provide special functions like having an arrow, a text, text color, highlights, and frames for the captured images.

Other than pictures, a recorded 5-minute video (for free user accounts) can also be saved, copied or shared using Jing. One can  get access through the web at  

The slide tutorial is presented below:

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