How To Add Text to An Image Using CorelDraw X3

One can easily add text to an image using CorelDraw X3. 
Another quick procedure is illustrated below:
how to add text to an image using coreldraw X3
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1. Import an Image from  your file.
2. Put the image in the clipboard.
3. Click the text tool and type your text. (Figure 1)
4. Put the text on top of the image.
5. Using the font list (Figure 2), select the font style.
6. Using the color pallette (Figure 3), select the font color.
7. Adjust the desired size and location of the text.
8. Save  or export the  image to a preferred file type.

adding text to an image

1 comment:

vA said...

This is a best website for corel draw x3

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